— Now America’s Taken A Turn – All in a Single Trump Mugshot.

If you're on Social Media lately, specifically Twitter (or "X"), you may have seen this little meme about tyrannical leaders who have arrested their political opponents.  Well.  Generally speaking... It's been kind of a joke.  It's got Stalin, Hitler and Mao... AND now Joe Biden.  In no world do we normally compare American Presidents with... Continue Reading →

What Happened to Australian Police?!?! They Went Full Tyrant… ‘And you NEVER go “Full Tyrant”.

Alright, this amazing video turned up on Australian news about what Australian police did to its citizens this past year due to covid . It is extremely disturbing if you think about it. But its powerful! It is a Must Watch video. It's from a youtube channel called, MilkBar TV. Click the image below to... Continue Reading →

— What Happened To Australian Police?!?!

What happened in Australia?  The Police have become tyrants. Now, if you've been paying attention the last few years, you've seen them do things like; beat people who've not been violent.  You've seen them push down old ladies for daring to disagree with them. You've seen them arrest people for merely questioning the government. And that's... Continue Reading →

— What Sri Lanka Says About Globalism

If you're not paying attention. The Sri Lankan government has collapsed. The world witnessed hundreds of thousands of people surrounding the Sri Lankan President's Palace. And then in one moment, they sent an unmistakable message to the Sri Lankan government. And the rest of the world's governments for good measure. They raided the residence, raided... Continue Reading →

— The Problem With Censorship

I love this meme. It's powerful because it's true. It should be obvious that if you take away any opposing voices, that you'll have only one voice left. The problem arises when you have a Tyrant, Dictator, or Totalitarian providing that one voice... Obviously, there are numerous problems with hiding people's ideas and voices from... Continue Reading →

— A Tyranny Fact Check True

Alright. This meme is going around today. And unlike the mostly ridiculous memes out there that your mom is looking at, and taking as the gospel... This one makes a great point! Some people don't seem to understand what tyranny is. 'Well this is what Tyranny looks like. In some Middle Eastern countries, they make... Continue Reading →

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